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Blonde jokes

blondie jokes, sms humor, английские смс приколы, иностранные прикольные смс

Did you hear about the blonde who shot an arrow into the air?
She missed.Q:Wat do u cal a blonde hiding in a closet?
The world's hide n seek champion!

Teachr:V shud try 2 stop mosquitoes's
overgrowing population.
Blonde:Its impossible!
Blonde:Coz small condoms r
very difficul to make!

Q: How did d Blonde kill a bird?
A: She tuk it 2 d top of a building
& dropped it from there to die..!

Mother: Y ru applying lipstick to ur forehead?
Blonde Daughter: Im making up my mind Mom!

Q: Wat does the postcard from a blonde's vacation say?
A: Having a wonderful time. Where am I?

Did you hear about the blonde who shot an arrow into the air?
She missed.

Q: Why did the blond get fired
from the banana plantation?
A: Because she threw out
all the bent ones!

An application 4 job came with
da applicant's picture attached.
She was a pretty blonde, On the
back of the picture was
hand written: "Picture on front"
A Blonde in an antique shop, Do you have anything new?

Why do blonde nurses bring
red magic markers to work?
In case they have to draw blood.

Q: Why do blondes drive BMWs?
A: Because they can spell it.

Q: Why did the blond get fired
from the banana plantation?
A: Because she threw out
all the bent ones!!

Did you hear about da blonde
man who had 8 vasectomies?
He had to... his wife
kept getting pregnant!

One blonde tells another blonde:
"I've done a pregnancy test."
Asks the other blonde:
"And, were the questions difficult?"

Q: Why did this blonde keep da
door open while taking a bath?
A: Coz she was afraid that someone
might see through the key hole!

Q: How do u make a blonde's eyes Twinkle?
A: You shine a torchlight in her ear.
Q: Why do ya reckon Blonds
don't have elevator jobs?
A: Cos they've no idea of the route.

I am not stupid, I am blond!!! B - L - O - N - T

Q: Why did the blonde stare
at the orange juice cans?
A:Because it said concentrate.

Did you hear about da blonde
man who had 8 vasectomies?
He had to... his wife
kept getting pregnant!

One blonde tells another blonde:
"I've done a pregnancy test."
Asks the other blonde:
"And, were the questions difficult?"

Q: Why did this blonde keep da
door open while taking a bath?
A: Coz she was afraid that someone
might see through the key hole!

Q: How do u make a blonde's eyes Twinkle?
A: You shine a torchlight in her ear.

Q: Why do ya reckon Blonds
don't have elevator jobs?
A: Cos they've no idea of the route.
I am not stupid, I am blond!!! B - L - O - N - T

Why do the number of traffic
accidents increase with blond
girls on April 1st?
When the traffic light is RED
they think it is a joke!

Why does a stupid blond woman
sneak past the pharmacy?
She does not want to wake
the sleeping pills!

Q: Why did the blonde stare
at the orange juice cans?
A:Because it said concentrate.

Q: What is a Blondes
favorite nursary rhyme?
A: Hump me dump me
I am not stupid, I am blond!!! B - L - O - N - T

Why do the number of traffic
accidents increase with blond
girls on April 1st?

When the traffic light is RED
they think it is a joke!

Why does a stupid blond woman
sneak past the pharmacy?
She does not want to wake
the sleeping pills!
Q: Why did the blonde stare
at the orange juice cans?
A:Because it said concentrate.

Q: What is a Blondes
favorite nursary rhyme?
A: Hump me dump me

Q: Why do blondes wash their
hair in the kitchen?
A: Coz that's the proper
place to wash vegetables.

Why do blondes use so much shampoo?
The instructions read: LATHER, RINSE, REPEAT

Q: Whats da diff between a
blonde and a washing machine?
A: The washing machine won't follow
u around after u drop a load in it!!

She is a blonde that
she took a ruler to bed
to see how long she slept.

At the bottom of the application
where it says "sign here", she put Sagittarius.

Категория: Английские смс приколы | Добавил: smsbox | Просмотров: 6359

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